2007 Tucson Transgender Awareness Week Planning Documents
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2007 Tucson Transgender Awareness Week Planning Documents
Transgender Awareness Week, Southern Arizona Gender Alliance, Trans-Latino Movie Night
This document is in two parts. The first part is a rough calendar schedule of the 2007 Tucson Transgender Awareness Week. It has only about half of the events listed that would be eventually included as part of the week's events. There are question marks after many ideas, marking them as tentative or suggestions. There is a note about red-colored text being tentative, but the document did not print with the red ink. There is also a list of suggested events to add, depending on who they could bring in. The fact that they were still considering whether or not to call in Dean Spade, who lives in another state, tells me that this was a planning document produced many months before November 2007, but there is no date.
The second part of this document is a list of movies simply titled "New TG/TS Films." After reading through the films, it seems that almost all of them regard transgender identity and expression in non-white cultures. These were probably the movies that SAGA reviewed in part of a suggested event on the previous page: "Trans people of color (Brown Bag? Film? Play Reading?") Knowing that ultimately SAGA decided to have a Trans-Latino movie night, one of the latinx-focused movies on this list may have been the film shown. No other document specifies what film was actually shown.
The second part of this document is a list of movies simply titled "New TG/TS Films." After reading through the films, it seems that almost all of them regard transgender identity and expression in non-white cultures. These were probably the movies that SAGA reviewed in part of a suggested event on the previous page: "Trans people of color (Brown Bag? Film? Play Reading?") Knowing that ultimately SAGA decided to have a Trans-Latino movie night, one of the latinx-focused movies on this list may have been the film shown. No other document specifies what film was actually shown.
Southern Arizona Gender Alliance
Created: Early-to-mid 2007 (by the archivist's estimate).
Planning for events taking place between November 13-20, 2007.
Planning for events taking place between November 13-20, 2007.
Alternative Title
Trans Awareness Week: November 13-20, 2007;
New TG/TS Films
New TG/TS Films
Is Part Of
Trans Awareness Week Planning Documents
Is Replaced By
The first part especially is replaced by the final version of the 2007 Tucson Transgender Awareness Week Schedule of Events Advertisement.
Bibliographic Citation
Southern Arizona Gender Alliance, "Trans Awareness Week: November 13-20, 2007," (2007)...;
Southern Arizona Gender Alliance, "New TG/TS Films," (2007)…;
...Southern Arizona Gender Alliance 20th Anniversary Collection, ORG2019-001. Arizona Queer Archives, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States.
Southern Arizona Gender Alliance, "New TG/TS Films," (2007)…;
...Southern Arizona Gender Alliance 20th Anniversary Collection, ORG2019-001. Arizona Queer Archives, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States.
Planning material intended for the planners of 2007 Tucson Transgender Awareness Week, so most likely leaders and members of the Southern Arizona Gender Alliance, but also possibly other members of Wingspan, such as Oscar Jimenez as co-chair of the events, or members of the Unviersity of Arizona staff, such as Jennifer Hoefle as the other co-chair.
Text Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Three pieces of paper
Southern Arizona Gender Alliance, “2007 Tucson Transgender Awareness Week Planning Documents,” Arizona Queer Archives, accessed March 12, 2025, https://azqueerarchives.org/items/show/596.