Gender Identity 101 Resource Packet for 2006 Tucson Transgender Awareness Week

2006 Gender Identity 101 Resource Packet FULL.pdf

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Gender Identity 101 Resource Packet for 2006 Tucson Transgender Awareness Week


Educational Resource, Transgender Awareness Week


This resource is a compilation of a number of educational packets produced specifically for the 2006 Tucson Transgender Awareness Week. It most likely provided further detailed information regarding the history of queer genders expression, theories of gender identity, definitions of different gender variants, tackling misconceptions regarding different gender variants, medical information regarding transition, the political history of transpeople in the queer community, further reading on each subject, and websites for further information and services for transgender people and education. See Table of Contents for a more detailed breakdown of the contents within.


The University of Arizona Safe Zone


University of Arizona Residence Life


Creation of packet - 2006
Information within created between 1997-2002


-Mindy Michelle, Coordinator of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Ally Resource Center at American University.
-The Renaissance Transgender Association, Inc.
-Kay Brown of
-Alexander John Goodrum, the late Director of TGNet Arizona



Alternative Title

Tucson Transgender Awareness Week: Gender Identity 101 Resource Packet

Table Of Contents

I - Gender Identity 101: A Transgender Primer (Alexander John Goodrum, 1998-2002). - Introduction - Definitions and Terms - Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation - Hormones and Sex Reassignment Surgery - Issues TG people face - Dealing with TG People - Resources - Recommended Reading - About the Author 2 - - TransGender Theory - Stolen History - Secret Lives - 20th Century TransHistory and Experience: Biographies and Essays - TransHistory FAQ - TransHistory….Timeline of Significant Events - The Gay, Lesbian, and Feminist Backlash - Early 20th Century - The Sexual Intermediates 3 - Renaissance Transgender Association, Inc. - Renaissance Background Paper #1: Myths & Misconceptions About Crossdressers - Renaissance Background Paper #2: Reasons for Male to Female Crossdressing 4 - Creating Inclusion: Transgender Students on Campus (Mindy Michels, Coordinator of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Ally Resource Center at American University) - Gender Identity - Transgender - Transsexual - Organizations/Websites - Resolutions - Books 5 - Transgender Websites from the American College Personnel Association SCLGBTA

Date Created

circa 2006

Date Copyrighted


Bibliographic Citation

University of Arizona Safe Zone, "Tucson Transgender Awareness Week: Gender Identity 101 Resource Packet," (2006). Southern Arizona Gender Alliance 20th Anniversary Collection, ORG 2019-001. Arizona Queer Archives, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States


Attendees and volunteers at 2006 Tucson Transgender Awareness Week

Text Item Type Metadata

Original Format



The University of Arizona Safe Zone, “Gender Identity 101 Resource Packet for 2006 Tucson Transgender Awareness Week,” Arizona Queer Archives, accessed March 12, 2025,