Southwest Feminists Reunite ~ “40th Anniversary Event” • 1st Wave of Nourishing Space: Interview with Meg Fox, Ka Mudie, and Lavina Tomer
Dublin Core
Southwest Feminists Reunite ~ “40th Anniversary Event” • 1st Wave of Nourishing Space: Interview with Meg Fox, Ka Mudie, and Lavina Tomer
lesbian, Tucson, activism, history, feminists, 1970s, collectives, media, healing, recovery
Southwest Feminists Reunite ~ “40th Anniversary Event” • 1st Wave of Nourishing Space: Interview with Meg Fox, Ka Mudie, and Lavina Tomer, 40:01
Southwest Feminists Reunite celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Southwest Feminist Festival Retreat held north of Tucson. That powerful experience in March 1973 and the dynamic creativity and political action that followed sparked feminists and lesbian feminists to reinvent their lives and organize for change over the next four decades. This collection consists of oral histories and digital scans of photographs from the past 40 years.
Southwest Feminists Reunite celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Southwest Feminist Festival Retreat held north of Tucson. That powerful experience in March 1973 and the dynamic creativity and political action that followed sparked feminists and lesbian feminists to reinvent their lives and organize for change over the next four decades. This collection consists of oral histories and digital scans of photographs from the past 40 years.
Jamie A. Lee, Project Director, Arizona Queer Archives
Anastasia Freyermuth, video producer
Anastasia Freyermuth, video producer
MiniDV tapes recorded on Panasonic DVX-100A digital video camera
Jamie A. Lee, Project Director, Arizona Queer Archives
16 March 2013
Southwest Feminists Reunite, Lavina Tomer, and Deborah Dobson
Rights given to the Arizona LGBTQ Storytelling Project and the Arizona Queer Archives
Southwest Feminists Reunite
H.264 300Kbps streaming QuickTime movie, 320 x 240
1st Wave Nourishing Space: 40:01 and 83.7MB
1st Wave Nourishing Space: 40:01 and 83.7MB
Alternative Title
Interview with Meg Fox, Ka Mudie, and Lavina Tomer
Date Available
12 December 2013
Date Created
16 March 2013
Rights Holder
Rights given to the Arizona LGBTQ Storytelling Project and the Arizona Queer Archives
Jamie A. Lee, Project Director, Arizona Queer Archives
Jamie A. Lee, Project Director, Arizona Queer Archives
Oral History Item Type Metadata
Jamie A. Lee
Meg Fox, Ka Mudie, and Lavina Tomer
Jamie A. Lee, Project Director, Arizona Queer Archives
Anastasia Freyermuth, video producer, “Southwest Feminists Reunite ~ “40th Anniversary Event” • 1st Wave of Nourishing Space: Interview with Meg Fox, Ka Mudie, and Lavina Tomer,” Arizona Queer Archives, accessed March 12, 2025,