This document is a list of all the open-ended question responses on attendee surveys offered at the Ask-A-Tranny panel and the Self-Defense 101 class. These two events were part of Southern Arizona Gender Alliance's 2006 Tucson Transgender Awareness…
This resource is a compilation of attendee responses. They attended the Dean Spade and Cruel & Unusual Documentary showing events as part of the 2006 Tucson Transgender Awareness Week, created and run by the Southern Arizona Gender Alliance.…
This document was part of a specific event hosted by SAGA after the 2006 Tucson Transgender Awareness Week to allow participants and volunteers to give feedback on the entire week's events. This is the summary of the results and thus have no…
This is a single sheet of scratch paper where somebody from the Southern Arizona Gender Alliance wrote down ideas for improving the event evaluation forms from the 2006 Tucson Transgender Awareness Week. The suggestions are both demographic in…