Browse Items (6 total)

2006 Attendee ZIP Code Analysis - Misty Blue.pdf
Attendees to Trangender Awareness Week Events were prompted to record their ZIP code. The document itself does not attach the ZIP codes to any names. Misty Blue, a secretary of some kind for the Southern Arizona Gender Alliance, compiled these ZIP…

2006 Event Evaluation Survey - Misty Blue.pdf
This datasheet was produced by Misty Blue from the survey evaluations offered attendees to Transgender Awareness Week events. The datasheet includes data from four events: Dean Spade Workshop, Cruel & Unusual Documentary showing, the 11/14…

2006 Open-Ended Question, Ask-a-Tranny and Self-Defense - Misty Blue.pdf
This document is a list of all the open-ended question responses on attendee surveys offered at the Ask-A-Tranny panel and the Self-Defense 101 class. These two events were part of Southern Arizona Gender Alliance's 2006 Tucson Transgender Awareness…

2006 Open-Ended Question, Dean Spade Events - Misty Blue.pdf
This resource is a compilation of attendee responses. They attended the Dean Spade and Cruel & Unusual Documentary showing events as part of the 2006 Tucson Transgender Awareness Week, created and run by the Southern Arizona Gender Alliance.…

2006 Workshop Attendance Data Analysis - Misty Blue.pdf
This datasheet was produced by Misty Blue from the survey evaluations offered attendees to Transgender Awareness Week events. The datasheet includes data from three events: Dean Spade Workshop, the 11/14 Ask-a-Tranny panel, and the Loren Cameron…

2007 SAGA ATWORK Project Services Guide - Misty Blue.pdf
I'm not sure why it is in Folder 2 of this collection, unless it was used as a resource during the 2007 Tucson Transgender Awareness Week. It is unclear whether that happened. The first four pages are a list of businesses and their contact…
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