Jay Kyle Petersen ~ individual oral history interview
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Jay Kyle Petersen ~ individual oral history interview
Intersex, Childhood struggles, Family, Doctors, Therapists, Artist, Painting, Writing
Jay Kyle Petersen shares his stories as part of the Arizona LGBTQ Storytelling Project. Jay tells of his being born intersexed and his family’s process of selecting his sex. He traces his struggles as he moves through his own understanding of not being a girl but, in fact, being a boy. He shares his childhood, relationships, and work with doctors and therapists throughout the process. He shares his artwork that captures his internal processes.
Jamie A. Lee, Project Director, Arizona Queer Archives
MiniDV tapes recorded on Panasonic DVX-100A digital video camera
Jamie A. Lee, Project Director, Arizona Queer Archives
23 April 2014
Jay Kyle Petersen for the Arizona LGBTQ Storytelling Project of the Arizona Queer Archives
Rights given to the Arizona LGBTQ Storytelling Project and the Arizona Queer Archives
Arizona LGBTQ Storytelling Project
H.264 300Kbps streaming QuickTime movie, 320 x 240
Oral History
Oral History
Arizona LGBTQ Storytelling Project of the Arizona Queer Archives
Tucson, AZ
Date Available
25 May 2015
Date Created
23 April 2014
Collection Items
Jay Kyle Petersen Interview ~ clip 002
Jay Kyle Petersen shares his stories as part of the Arizona LGBTQ Storytelling Project. Jay tells of his being born intersexed and his family’s process of selecting his sex. He traces his struggles as he moves through his own understanding of not…
Jay Kyle Petersen Interview ~ clip 001
Jay Kyle Petersen shares his stories as part of the Arizona LGBTQ Storytelling Project. Jay tells of his being born intersexed and his family’s process of selecting his sex. He traces his struggles as he moves through his own understanding of not…
Jay Kyle Petersen Interview ~ clip 003
Jay Kyle Petersen shares his stories as part of the Arizona LGBTQ Storytelling Project. Jay tells of his being born intersexed and his family’s process of selecting his sex. He traces his struggles as he moves through his own understanding of not…
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